Effects of evening light conditions on salivary melatonin of Japanese junior high school students.
Harada T.
Journal of Circadian Rhythms 2 4-11 2004-
Diapause development in Aquarius paludum (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
Hadara, T., Ito, K., Hodkova, M. & Hodek, I.
European Journal of Entomology 101 427-430 2004-
小児保健研究 (63) 202-209 2004-
Relationship between watching late night TV and morningness-eveningness of 18-22-year old Japanese students Sleep and Biological Rhythms
Harada, T., Kadowaki, A., Shinomiya, H., Takeuchi, H.
(2) 97-98 2004-
Comparative study on circadian typology of Japanese and Italian students aged 12-18 years Sleep and Biological Rhythms
Hinomiya, H., Takeuchi, H., Martoni, M., Natale, V., Harada, T.
(2) 93-95 2004-
Hardiness to low temperature and drought in a water strider, Aquarius paludum in comparison with other insect groups In Trends in Entomology, 2003. (Research Trends, vol 3),Trivandrum, India
Harada, T.
pp. 29-41 2003-
Comparative study of diapause regulation and life hitstory traits among the four species of the water striders, Aquarius paludum, In Recent Research Developments in Entomology, 2003. (Research Signpost, vol 4), Kerala, IndiaGerris latiabdominis, G. nepalensis and G. gracilicornis.
Harada, T.
pp 77-98, 2003-
Effects of low temperature on the condition of flight muscles and flight propensity in a water strider Aquarius paludum (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
Harada, T., Inoue, S. & Watanabe, M.
European Journal of Entomology 100 481-484 2003-
Effects of the usage of a blacked-out curtain on the sleep-wake rhythm of Japanese University students.
Harada,T., Matsumura, A. & Takeuchi, H.
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 1 179-181 2003-
Adult flight in a water strider exposed to habitat drydown in the larval stages.
Kishi, M., Harada, T. & Spence, J.R.
Naturwissenschaften 89 552-554 2002-
Usage of mobile phone in the evening or at night makes Japanese students evening-typed and night sleep uncomfortable.
Harada, T., Morikuni, M., Yoshii, S., Yamashita, Y. & Takeuchi H.
Sleep and Hypnosis 4 150-154 2002-
Morningness-eveningness preference and mood in Japanese junior high school students.
Takeuchi, H., Morisane, H., Iwanaga, A., Hino, N., Matsuoka, A. & Harada, T.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 56 227-228 2002-
A leaf beetle, Galerucella nippnensis, as available food resource for a water strider, Gerris nepalensis
Saiki, H. & Harada, T.
Japanese Journal of Entomology (New series)(in Japanese with English abstract) 5 9-15 2002-
Effect of daytime light conditions on sleep habitsand morningness-eveningness preference ofJapanese students aged 12-15 years.
Harada, T., Morisane, H. & Takeuchi, H.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 56 225-226 2002-
A sexual difference in morningness-eveningness is absent from current studies in Japanese junior highschool.
Takeuchi, H., Yamashita, Y. & Harada, T.
Chronobiology International 18 1198-1199 2001-
Physical training makesJapanese junior highschool studentsmorning-typed.
Harada, T., Iwanaga, A., Yamashita, Y., Okazaki, Y. & Takeuchi, H.
Chronobiology International 18 1112-1113 2001-
Parental enforcement of bedtime during childfood results in Japanese junior high school students preferring morningness to eveningness.
Takeuchi, H., Inoue, M., Watanabe, N., Yamashita, Y., Hamada, M., Kadota, G. & Harada, T.
Chronobiology International 18 823-829 2001-
日本時間生物学会会誌 (3) 37-46 2001-
Light conditions during sleep period and sleep-related lifestyle in Japanese students
┣DB Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (/)-┫DB 26 (55) 221-222 2001-
Adult diapause of a monovoltine water strider, Gerris gracilicornis (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha).
Harada, T. & Taniguchi, Y.
Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 65 181-187 2001-
Do majoring subjects affect morningness-eveningness preference by Japanese students ?
Harada, T. & Inoue, M.
J. Human Erg. 28 49-53 2000-
平成11年度北海道大学低温科学研究所共同研究報告書 86-87 2000-
Do life history traits of a water strider, ┣DB Aquarius paludum (/)-┫DB, change in accordance with global warming?
Cryo Letters (21) 193 2000-
Nymphal density and life histories of two water striders (Hemiptera : Gerridae)
The Canadian Entomologist (132) 353-363 2000-
文部省科学研究費補助金(平成11-13年度地域連携推進研究費:課題番号11794001)11年度中間報告書(第1部),(第2部) 2000-
文部省科学研究費補助金研究実積報告書(平成11年度奨励研究A:課題番号10740361) 2000-
高知大学教育学部研究報告 1 (60) 127-135 2000-
日本時間生物学会会誌 6 (2) 127 2000-
文部省科学研究費補助金研究実積報告書(平成10年度奨励研究A:課題番号10740361) 1999-
高知大学教育学部研究報告 3 (58) 11-31 1999-
日本時間生物学会会誌 5 (2) 95 1999-
1 55-57 1999-
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カナダ産アメンボ科昆虫,Limnoporus canaliculutusの生活史形質における光周性反応
1 81 1999-
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日本時間生物学会会誌 5 (2) 94 1999-
日本時間生物学会会誌 4 (2) 96 1998-
高知大学教育学部研究報告 6 (5(series13)) 1-91 1998-
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1 179-184 1998-
日本時間生物学会会誌 4 (2) 95 1998-
日本時間生物学会会誌 3 (2) 122 1997-
1 179-184 1997-
14 (Supple.1) 73 1997-
14 (Supple.1) 63 1997-
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理科教材としての『アメンボ[Aquarius Paludum(Fabricius)]における走光性実験I
高知大学教育学部研究報告 (53) 45-52 1997-
Sensitive stages in the photoperiodic determination of wing forms and reproduction in the water strider, Aquarius paludum(Fabricius)(共著)
Zoological Science 14 (1) 21-27 1997-
インセクタリゥム 33 (9) 16-23 1996-
比較生理生化学 13 (2) 107-115 1996-
理科教材としての『オカダンゴムシ[┣DBArmadillidium vulgare(/)-┫DB (Latreille)]における湿度定位行動実験』
高知大学教育学部研究報告 (51) 1-7 1996-
Effects of population density on the duration of nymphal period and diapause-posture at the adult stage in a water strider, Gerris latiabdominis(Hemiptera : Gerridae)
Japanese Journal of Entomology 64 (2) 413-419 1996-
Adult diapause induced by the loss of water surface in the water strider, ┣DBAquarius paludum(/)-┫DB
Zoological Science 11 (6) 855-857 1994-